Speech by Michael Chernov, Fund for Support and Development of the Jewish Culture, Traditions, Education and Science, Chairman of the Board
BRICS International Forum
Jointly with International Federation of Indo-Russian Youth Clubs & AFRIC (Y) is organizing an online event: “VISION FOR FUTURE — 2021”
Session IV A vision of creativity, innovation & dialogue for inclusive development Friday, 9th April 2021 New Delhi, India

Honorable participants, dear friends!
This week marks 70 years since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death in the United States. They were accused in atomic espionage and transfer to the USSR of some sensual technologies. The Rosenbergs contributed to achievement of nuclear parity between the two superpowers and sacrificed themselves to prevent the atomic catastrophe when the US were ready for the strike. The Rosenberg couple along with many American top level nuclear scientists did it to keep the peace, for the sake of the treasure of peace as they understood it. They were executed despite the worldwide protests and appeals from prominent scientists and cultural figures. With the Rosenbergs, a worldwide movement for peace began.
Nowadays we once again are standing on the brink of catastrophe. The world economy is in deep crisis. International trade communications are damaged. Relations among the powers are strained to the limit and many countries are on the verge of war. And in order to keep the peace we need to reach parity again. But this time we do not need parity or balance between superpowers or blocks. Parity among civilizations is needed. And once again like 70 years ago it depends on nuclear technologies and struggle for peace.
The global economy is undergoing a tectonic shift which to impact all the countries including the BRICS. It’s about the move of “global civilizational leadership” from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. For millennia the Western world has had leadership. And the European and Anglo-Saxon leadership has relied on ancient Mediterranean cultures and its heritage. Now the deck of leaders is about to change, and definitely the BRICS countries are among the new ones. This dramatic shift means that the cultural reliance will also change. The “new Mediterranean” for the Pacific will be the Indian Ocean area and ancient cultures around it. And the basic one there is Greater Indian Culture with all its integral complexity of Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist and Christian elements and countries. For thousands of years Greater India Culture has incorporated and kept in its purity a wide variety of cultures, religions and peoples. Its cultural mission of global importance is to keep such values as diversity, non-violence and treasure of peace, which is fundamental for all BRICS countries.
The new parity is tied to maintaining peace and wide access to nuclear energy and technologies, which are necessary for development of all countries of the Great India Civilization, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and other states. All of them keep culture and heritage for the Pacific and therefore the whole world. And it is peace, security and nuclear energy that Russia can provide to the BRICS members and non-members. Large nuclear projects are never national, they are always international. And it is very important that ancient civilizations, bearers of culture, convince all others to keep the Treasure of Peace. Thank you.